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Table Rock Ridge



Table Rock Ridge

  • Environment — The neighborhood plan preserves one of the last remaining sections of Van Bibber Creek in its native condition as a neighborhood park
  • Development impact — 95% of open landscape areas within the neighborhood are preserved or restored native landscape
  • Connectivity — The implemented trail development respects the need for an interconnected regional trail system
  • Open Space — A neighborhood park meets the needs of Table Rock Ridge and surrounding neighborhoods

Table Rock Ridge is Jefferson County’s latest environmentally conscious neighborhood north of Golden, Colorado at the northeast corner of 58th Ave. and HWY 93.  This 199-home residential neighborhood has over 25 acres of open space including parks, regional trails, playgrounds, and the preservation of the Van Bibber Creek corridor which encompasses mature trees, shrubs and wildlife habitats.

Consilium Design led the community planning and entitlements effort for the 68-acre neighborhood that resulted in unanimous approval by the Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners for zoning and final plat.  Although the site presented several challenges, working alongside RRCEA and KT Engineering granted the ability to turn constraints into design features, creating a neighborhood with unique amenities for future residents and the surrounding community.

Table Rock Ridge benefits the greater community by:

  • Preserving existing trees and habitat along Van Bibber Creek in a natural open space/park setting
  • Providing variety in housing that is compatible with surrounding neighborhoods
  • Providing a neighborhood park along Van Bibber Creek trail and other open spaces that are accessible by the greater neighborhood
  • Extending the Van Bibber Creek regional trail to the intersection of Highway 93 and 58th Avenue, and to the existing bus stop
  • Improving storm water run-off quality along Van Bibber Creek that flows to eastern communities
  • Client

    RRCEA, LLC./Lennar Homes

  • Services

    Urban Planning
    Landscape Architecture

  • Location

    Jefferson County, Colorado

  • Density

    199 Homes, 68.5 Acres, 2.9 DU/AC