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Land Development

What Are Land Entitlements?

Before a piece of land can move into the commercial or residential development phase, there is a legal process. This process involves land entitlement, which is when a land owner or developer acquires all the legal rights and necessary approvals to start development on a piece of property. This process is daunting for many, especially if you are unfamiliar with real estate law. If you are located in the state of Colorado, look no further than Consilium Design for high-end land development entitlements. We will ensure you comply with all necessary laws, regulations, and rules regarding your development project.

Why Our Land Development and Entitlement Process Is Different.

Our familiarity with design review committees and city entitlement processes allows us to effectively guide our clients through this process. Craig Karn, our founder, offers guidance and insight for applicants, helping them to elevate their designs, to have successful, entitlement efforts and set a higher standard for land development within the community. Our role includes the design and development of district-managed streetscapes, parks, and other public spaces. We develop new design and maintenance protocols, coordinate streetscape improvements with adjacent developments, and move projects through the city entitlement process. During this process, it is important to consider utility permits, zoning variances, agricultural use, landscaping conditions, neighborhood distance, and more.

The land development entitlement process may require:

  • Creating a comprehensive plan amendment
  • Considering rezoning ideas
  • Planning overall development, including an outline and framework
  • Drafting a preliminary development plan
  • Holding neighborhood meetings, staff meetings, and public hearings as appropriate per jurisdictional requirements
  • Finalizing the development plan

As you can see, there are many aspects to land development entitlements. Thankfully, when you hire our team, we will handle all the moving parts and ensure your piece of property is ready for development. The Consilium Design associates are highly experienced and motivated to get your project off the ground and will put their efforts into ensuring a sustainable, landscape-friendly development!

Contact Us Today

Are you ready to get started with our services for land development entitlements? We are eager to hear from you. Contact our Colorado-based firm today to learn more about how we can assist you!